About The Charlieton

The Charlieton is a blog dedicated to exploring the philosophy of Charlie Munger. The foundation of Charlie’s philosophy is the pursuit of “elementary worldly wisdom” via a curriculum of wide study. The intended field of study is the entire corpus of human knowledge.

To give away the joke, the blog’s name is a tounge in cheek jab at the difficulty of the task. Here’s hoping I end up a wise Charlieton, and not an idiotic charlatan.

To improve my odds, I’ll be taking lots of shortcuts.  I won’t try to master every subject I come across, but I will try to understand the core concepts that carry the most weight. These “mental models” are the essence of the Mungerian philosophy. My intent is to document my journey through the various mental models that Charlie and others have identified.

In addition to teaching others while I learn, I will also occasionally post primary source material from interesting events, such as investor meetings or talks with friends.

On a personal note, I am an aspiring investor and entrepreneur interested in Value Investing, entrepreneurship, and politics. I intend to explore those three topics as they relate to Munger’s mental models as much as possible.